Sensor-Based Home Therapy System

ArmeoSenso (research version) is a sensor-based home therapy system for self-directed neurorehabilitation of the upper extremity. It was developed in the context of a collaboration between the University Hospital Zurich, the Balgrist University Hospital, ETH Zurich and Hocoma AG, supported by the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation. The system includes unique features, such as a pragmatic recalibration approach to cope with sensor limitations, clinical intelligence to detect and prevent compensatory movements, as well as assessment-driven difficulty adaptation, based on workspace and target reaching assessments. Feasibility was evaluated in a external page clinical pilot, in which 11 stroke survivors used the system at home in an unsupervised manner over a period of six weeks, showing high overall acceptance and high therapy intensity in some users.

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Sensor-Based Home Therapy System

Multiple setups running an adapted version of ArmeoSenso research are currently being used in the external page ArmeoSenso Rewardstudy. Hocoma AG has continued the development of this unique approach and recently announced a external page commercial version of ArmeoSenso.

Enlarged view: ArmeoSenso
ArmeoSenso research version


  • Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI Grant 13612.1)
  • Clinical Research Priority Program (CRPP) NeuroRehab of the University of Zurich
  • ETH Foundation (ETH Research Grant ET-17 13–2)
  • P&K Pühringer Foundation


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