Hackahealth 2022

From 4. - 6. November, the HackaHealth hackathon to build individualized assistive technologies for six specific users with various disabilities took place at the ETH Student Project House.
Welcome to Simone Kager

Simone Kager is a postdoctoral researcher in the Future Health Technologies programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre. She is associated with the Connected Rehabilitation Technology and Assistive Devices module, which targets to support patients along the continuum of care by transferring rehabilitation technologies from clinics to homes.
Welcome to Annina Brunner

In October 2022, Annina continued her work with the RELab as a research assistant in collaboration with Auxivo AG, where she is leading a study to evaluate a wearable exoskeleton.
Swiss Robotics day in Lausanne on November 4th and 5th

Raffaele Ranzani and Jay Song are representing the RELab at the Swiss Robotics day in Lausanne on November 4th and 5th, please join us to hear about the use of robotic hand orthoses for therapy and assistance during neurorehabilitation and how to improve their design and development through user-centered design and our usability toolbox
Welcome to Laura Mayrhuber

Laura Mayrhuber began her PhD studies at the RELab in September 2022. Her research is focused on analysing and developing technology-supported neurorehabilitation therapy methods for the upper extremity
World Stroke Congress in Singapore

It's been a pleasure to attend World Stroke Congress in Singapore last week @WorldStrokeOrg. We had great time meeting researchers in stroke rehabilitation, listening to inspiring talks and presenting our work. Well done to Eva Josse and Monika Zbytniewska-Mégret for your presentations!