Congratulations to Franziska Ryser

Congratulations to Franziska Ryser, she successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Movement-based sleep detection – a wearable sensor system to assess quantity and quality of sleep"!

We thank all our fantastic collaborators, partners and friends for supporting us in 2022. We wish you relaxing holidays and a happy and most importantly healthy New Year! Your RELab
Italian President Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis visited ETH

Yesterday the Italian President, Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis visited ETH. Our collaborators at the NeuroEngineering Lab of Prof. Stanisa Raspopovic showcased our joint “SensibleExo” project among many exciting projects. The project aims to combine our wearable robotic hand orthosis with sensory feedback based on transcutaneous electrical stimulation, promising enhanced grasp support for people with sensorimotor hand impairment.
Congratulations to Charlotte Werner

Congratulations to Charlotte Werner, she successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Wearable inertial sensors to assess activities of daily living in individuals undergoing neurorehabilitation"!
Hackahealth 2022

From 4. - 6. November, the HackaHealth hackathon to build individualized assistive technologies for six specific users with various disabilities took place at the ETH Student Project House.
Welcome to Simone Kager

Simone Kager is a postdoctoral researcher in the Future Health Technologies programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre. She is associated with the Connected Rehabilitation Technology and Assistive Devices module, which targets to support patients along the continuum of care by transferring rehabilitation technologies from clinics to homes.
Welcome to Annina Brunner

In October 2022, Annina continued her work with the RELab as a research assistant in collaboration with Auxivo AG, where she is leading a study to evaluate a wearable exoskeleton.
Swiss Robotics day in Lausanne on November 4th and 5th

Raffaele Ranzani and Jay Song are representing the RELab at the Swiss Robotics day in Lausanne on November 4th and 5th, please join us to hear about the use of robotic hand orthoses for therapy and assistance during neurorehabilitation and how to improve their design and development through user-centered design and our usability toolbox
Welcome to Laura Mayrhuber

Laura Mayrhuber began her PhD studies at the RELab in September 2022. Her research is focused on analysing and developing technology-supported neurorehabilitation therapy methods for the upper extremity
World Stroke Congress in Singapore

It's been a pleasure to attend World Stroke Congress in Singapore last week @WorldStrokeOrg. We had great time meeting researchers in stroke rehabilitation, listening to inspiring talks and presenting our work. Well done to Eva Josse and Monika Zbytniewska-Mégret for your presentations!
Welcome to Jay Song

In May 2022, Jay joined the RELab as a research-assistant responsible for maintenance and development for the devices and equipment in the lab.
Welcome to Tim Unger

Tim Unger started his PhD at RELab in cooperation with cefir in June 2022.The goal of his PhD is to develop and validate mobile, low-cost technologies for upper body motion measurement with a focus on stroke patients.
Scientific Advisory Board meeting in Singapore

Exciting Scientific Advisory Board meeting for our Future Health Technologies program in Singapore! Lots of input and constructive feedback to push forward our research on connected rehabilitation technology and assistive devices.
2000 Followers on LinkedIn - Thank you!

From today we have crossed the border of 2000 followers. We would like to thank everyone who supports us on this journey.
Workshop on "Advancing Hand Wearable Robotics"

Very interesting workshop on "Advancing Hand Wearable Robotics through novel design, actuation, sensing, and control algorithm" at the BioRob 2022 conference, co-organized (virtually) by RELab. Thank you Kyujin Cho and Byungchul Kim for the great event, and congratulation Natalie Tanczak for presenting our work on the tenoexo hand exoskeleton.
“Reliable and Valid Robotic Assessments of Hand Active and Passive Position Sense in Children With Unilateral Cerebral Palsy” published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Check out our recent publication titled “Reliable and Valid Robotic Assessments of Hand Active and Passive Position Sense in Children With Unilateral Cerebral Palsy” published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. We found that it’s feasible to use robotics to assess proprioception in children with cerebral palsy, which could contribute to more accurate tracking of recovery in the future.
Coming back from RehabWeek 2022 with 3 awards!

RehabWeek 2022 in Rotterdam was a fantastic success for the RELab! Congratulations to everyone who contributed; Christoph, Raffaele and Olivier for 3 high-quality workshops, Jan D, Charlotte, Jan M and Natalie for amazing poster sessions and demos, and Jessica, Giada and Monika for brilliant podium presentations that sparked interest in our research. A great week spent together, and we are coming back to Zurich with 3 conference awards! Well done RELab!
Successful workshop at RehabWeek 2022 in Rotterdam

Very successful workshop at RehabWeek 2022 in Rotterdam on “Digital Biomarkers and Prediction Models for Upper Limb Precision Neurorehabilitation after Stroke”, with inspiring talks from Margit Alt-Murphy, Gert Kwakkel, Joachim Hermsdörfer, and David Reinkensmeyer. It was an honour for RELab to host this workshop and have the chance to interact with these prestigious speakers!
Welcome to Nadine Domnik

Nadine Domnik started her PhD in July 2022 in the area of digital health technologies. Her research is focused on assessing and modeling upper limb recovery in neurological patients. The main tool she is using for her research is the Virtual Peg Insertion Test.
Congratulations to Monika Zbytniewska-Mégret

Congratulations to Monika Zbytniewska-Mégret, she successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Robot-assisted assessments of proprioceptive and motor hand impairments and their recovery in neurological disorders"!