Joining the Group

Open Positions at RELab

Bachelor/Studies on Mechatronics/Semester and Master Projects

You can find a list of student projects available at the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory here. Please also have a look at our ongoing research projects, and feel free to contact the responsible person to identify further student projects related to your interests and expertise.


If you identify an ongoing research project to which you would like to contribute in the context of an internship, please contact the responsible person. Note that ideally internships will last at least 4 months.

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Coding Framework for Synchronisation of EEG and DBS Data

Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

To synchronise data recorded from subcortical and cortical neural activity of Parkinson's patients, a coding framework needs to be established.


neural activity data, signal processing, Parkinson's disease


Semester Project , Internship , Lab Practice , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-01-30 , Earliest start: 2025-01-30 , Latest end: 2025-07-31

Organization Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

Hosts Salzmann Lena, MSc

Topics Medical and Health Sciences , Engineering and Technology

Advancing Wearable Brain Imaging for Everyday Applications

Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

Join us in revolutionizing brain imaging technologies and make it accessible for everyday use. Near-infrared imaging (NIRI) is an emerging technology that enables cost-effective and precise brain measurements, helping to improve neurotherapies and brain health.


brain imaging, neuro, wearables, health, startup




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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2024-01-25 , Latest end: 2024-06-26

Organization Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

Hosts Wyser Dominik

Topics Medical and Health Sciences , Information, Computing and Communication Sciences , Engineering and Technology

Mechanistic Evaluation of taVNS in Motor Adaptation for Stroke Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

This study aims to evaluate the mechanisms by which transauricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) may facilitate motor learning and adaptation, focusing on reticulospinal tract (RST) activation. A set of assessments will be used to build a comprehensive neurophysiological profile, providing insights relevant to developing taVNS-based clinical interventions. In this role, you will engage in study design, data collection, and analysis, gaining hands-on experience in mechanistic neurophysiological research with direct clinical applications.


Transauricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) Reticulospinal tract (RST) Motor learning StartReact paradigm Stroke rehabilitation Neurophysiology Multisite EMG Motor pathway activation Clinical neurostimulation


Semester Project , Internship , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis


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Published since: 2024-11-11 , Earliest start: 2024-11-24 , Latest end: 2025-10-26

Organization Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

Hosts Viskaitis Paulius

Topics Medical and Health Sciences , Engineering and Technology

Zivildienst leisten im RELab

Das RELab ist ein anerkannter Einsatzbetrieb für Zivildienstleistende. Wir bieten ein spannendes und innovatives Arbeitsumfeld und die Möglichkeit als Elektrotechniker, Maschinenbauer oder Informatiker an einem unserer Forschungsprojekte mit zu tüfteln. Unser Pflichtenheft trägt die Nummer 76781 und ist zu finden auf external page e-Zivi. Nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Vielleicht kennen Sie jemanden, der einen interessanten Zivldiensteinsatz sucht?

Erfahre mehr auf der RELab Zivildienst Seite
external page Zum E-ZIVI Portal


Als Teil der täglichen Arbeit für Forschung und Lehre an der ETH Zürich bemüht sich das RELab weiter, die jüngeren Generationen und zukünftigen Studenten oder Wissenschaftler bereits für das Thema Rehabilitationstechnik zu begeistern. Zusammen mit dem RELab-Spinoff Auxivo, bieten wir beispielsweise Erfahrungstage resp. mini-Praktika für Gymnasiumschüler an, in welchem sie sich an den Exoskeleton Ausbildungskits «Edu-Exo» erproben dürfen.

Erfahre mehr über die Mini-Praktika/Erfahrungswoche
external page Auxivo Website
external page Erfahre mehr über eduexo

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