Summer School "Towards a Continuum of Robot-assisted Therapy (TCRT)"
The TCRT Summer School takes place in a top rehabilitation clinic and aims at promoting the collaboration between clinicians, health scientists, and engineers. During the week, participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts of the field and with patients of the clinic (case studies).
June 12-16, 2023
Clinica Hildebrand Centro di riabilitazione Brissago, Brissago, Ticino, Switzerland
Organization and funding
- Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, ETH Zurich
- external page Clinica Hildebrand Centro di riabilitazione Brissago
- Future Health Technologies
- Singapore-ETH Centre
- external page CREATE
The goal of the TCRT summer school is to enhance the collaboration between clinicians, health scientists, and engineers. Promoting this cooperation is important, as it is fundamental in all stages of the development of new technological tools able to answer patients’ and clinicians’ needs in a meaningful way and to further explore the technology-assisted rehabilitation field. The TCRT Summer School includes plenary lectures with experts of the field, case studies where participants interact with patients and therapists to design a technology to support the patient, and networking moments.
To apply, please fill in external page this form by 07.05.2023
Registration fee: CHF 250.- (includes hotel (double-room), lunch, welcome cocktail, and Gala dinner).
The Future Health Technologies (FHT) programme of the Singapore-ETH Centre additionally offers 5 travel grants of SGD 1’000.- each to the 5 top applicants based in Singapore. To apply for the travel grant you must be based in Singapore but not affiliated to the FHT programme. To apply for the grant, simply answer “yes” to the dedicated question in the registration form. For questions related to the travel grant, please contact Sowjanya Kallakuri ().
Confirmed speakers are:
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), University of Zurich, University of St. Gallen, Singapore-ETH Centre)
- Prof. Dr. Derek Kamper, North Carolina State University
- Dr. Mohamed Bouri (REHAssist, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL))
- Dr. Jaime Duarte (MyoSwiss AG)
- Prof. Dr. med. Arturo Nuara (Università di Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Unit of Neuroscience)
- Dr. med. Claudio Petrillo (Clinica Hildebrand Centro di riabilitazione Brissago)
- Dr. med. Daria Dinacci (Clinica Hildebrand Centro di riabilitazione Brissago)
- Prof. Dr. Roger Gassert (Rehabilitation Engineering Lab, ETHZ)
- Dr. Olivier Lambercy (Rehabilitation Engineering Lab, ETHZ)
- Dr. Gerdienke Prange-Lasonder (Roessingh Research & Development)
- Dr. Sowjanya Kallakuri (Singapore-ETH Center)
- Prof. Dr. Seng Kwee Wee (Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore-ETH Center)
Topics and preliminary schedule
This year, the TCRT Summer School focuses on four topics (T1-T4) related to assistive technologies and to establishing a technology-assisted continuum of care from the clinic to the home, to promote independence in persons with neurological injuries such as stroke. These topics are examined both from the clinical and the engineering perspective during the plenary lectures and workshops.
T1. Assistive technologies to support activities of daily living
T2. Physiological processes related to rehabilitation
T3. Assistive technologies to support therapy in an unsupervised setting
T4. Increasing motivation to train at home and in other unsupervised settings
We will discuss the related challenges and opportunities through plenary lectures and interactive case studies. During the case studies, participants are divided into groups and each group is assigned to a patient case. A patient from the clinic, together with a therapist, will present him/herself and participants will need to design a technology that can assist the patient based on his/her specific needs.
Rehabilitation Engineering
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39