CYBATHLON Symposium 2016
On October 6, 2016, two days before the first Cybathlon, the Cybathlon Symposium brought together leading experts and junior researchers to present and discuss recent technological advances within the six disciplines of the Cybathlon. The symposium featured six keynotes by leading researchers and short presentations from young talents, as well as a poster/demo session and was attended by over 330 participants. A roundtable discussion involving end-users, patient and industry representatives and an ethics researcher highlighted opportunities and challenges in the field of assistive technology, its industrial transfer and user acceptance.
Some of the main insights from the CYBATHLON Syposium and the CYBATHLON were summarized in a external page blog post by Roger Gassert and Olivier Lambercy, and further elaborated in a external page thematic series on the CYBATHLON, published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. The thematic series includes a publication on our CYBATHLON experience with the external page VariLeg exoskeleton.
Read more about the CYBATHLON Symposium 2016 on the official website.