Summer School (TCRT 2023)

We partnered with FHT Singapore-ETH Centre and Clinica Hildebrand Centro di riabilitazione Brissago to host the "Towards a Continuum of Robot-Assisted Therapy (TCRT)" summer school in Brissago, Switzerland. This interdisciplinary event brings together clinicians, health scientists, and engineers to explore technology-assisted rehabilitation.

The first day was filled with captivating talks by Sowjanya Kallakuri, Roger Gassert, Mohamed Bouri, Gerdienke Prange-Lasonder, Bruno Bonnechère, Daria Dinacci, and Antonella Califfi. Participants also began working on a hands-on case study, aiming to create personalized technological solutions for patients facing daily challenges. We're excited for the upcoming days and the innovative solutions that will emerge.

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