Welcome to Mathilde Lestoille
Mathilde Lestoille is a post-doctoral researcher, working both at the RELab and at the cereneo foundation - Center for Interdisciplinary Research. Her research takes part in the StimuLOOP project, which aims at investigating new approaches to precision neurorehabilitation of gait quality, in stroke and Parkinson patients.

Her work specifically focuses on real-time and personalised feedback to help stroke patients improving their abnormal gait patterns.
After studying mechanical engineering at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France), Mathilde performed a double-degree between Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Bioengineering. She received her M.Sc. in 2017.
During her Master's thesis she performed at the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France), she worked on movement-based control schemes for upper-limb prostheses. She implemented different algorithms to model the shoulder-elbow synergy and then studied their performance for prostheses control during human-in-the-loop test.
Mathilde continued her Ph.D. at ISIR on upper limb prostheses. She created and validated an innovative control scheme based on body compensatory motions. She received the For Women In Science Young Talents award (Fondation l'Oréal-UNESCO) for her scientific contribution in her domain and for her engagement in defending the place of women in research and STEM. She defended her Ph.D in 2021.
Her research interests lie in rehabilitation robotics and human motion analysis. In her work, she aims at combining simplicity and efficiency, while developping solutions hand-in-hand with therapists and patients.