Mini internships/experience week at RELab

As part of the daily work for research and teaching at ETH Zurich, RELab continues to engage the younger generations and future students or scientists already in the field of rehabilitation technology. Together with the RELab spinoff Auxivo, we offer experience days or mini internships for high school students, in which they can experiment with the exoskeleton training tool "Edu-Exo".
Congratulations to the RELab spin-off Auxivo on the successful funding of the Kickstarter campaign!

RELab spin-off Auxivo has successfully reached its Kickstarter campaign goal for the EduExo Pro. The EduExo Pro aims to make exoskeleton technology available to students, makers, and hobbyists and make it easier for educators to integrate wearable exoskeleton technology into the classroom. The kit contains all the parts needed to assemble an arm exoskeleton.
New Publication in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

In our recent publication in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation we proposed a battery of novel robot-assisted assessments of hand sensorimotor impairments – we showed that the method is feasible, reliable and valid in stroke subjects, and therefore it could be used in the future to sensitively monitor patients’ progress during neurorehabilitation as well as more accurately tailor therapies.