Jan Dittli, Jan Lieber and Fabian Rast receive the Anna Müller Grocholski-Award

Jan Dittli, Jan Lieber and Fabian Rast receive the Anna Müller Grocholski-Award, conferred at this year's symposium of the Swiss Academy of Childhood Disability.
Christoph Kanzler among Best Student Paper Award Finalists of IEEE ICORR 2019

Christoph Kanzler was among the Best Student Paper Award Finalists of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) in Toronto 2019. The awarded work focused on assessing the functional usage of upper limb myoelectrically-controlled hand prostheses using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test (VPIT), a technology-aided assessment previously developed at the RELab.
CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 - Call for Abstracts

The abstract submission for the CYBATHLON Symposium 2020 is now open. Join us in Zurich on April 29, three days before the CYBATHLON competition, to showcase and discuss the latest developments in the user-driven design and the evaluation of assistive technology!
Launch of the ETH Rehab Initiative

ETH researchers are planning to partner with clinics, foundations, public authorities and other institutions through a broad- based initiative aimed at improving the quality of life and participation of people with physical disabilities. The initiative focuses on a centre that will be a nexus of ETH expertise with up to eight new professorships and a new Master’s programme.