Welcome to Jan Dittli
Welcome to Jan Jan Dittli who joined us for his Phd. His main research interests include wearable robotics, assistive technologies for rehabilitation as well as daily living, motor control and neurorehabilitation.

Jan Dittli started his PhD at the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory in February 2019. During his studies, he focused on mechatronics and biomedical engineering. In his master thesis, he adapted the RELab tenoexo for the special needs of children with neuromotor diseases. This project will be continued in his doctoral studies, where he aims to further develop a fully wearable whole hand exoskeleton and make this technology more accessible for different patient groups, especially for children.
Jan was born in Altdorf, UR and received both his BSc (2016) and MSc (2018) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. His main research interests include wearable robotics, assistive technologies for rehabilitation as well as daily living, motor control and neurorehabilitation.