Logitech Prize 2012 "Creative, Innovative and Pragmatic Master Thesis"
M. D. Rinderknecht receives the Logitech Prize 2012 "Creative, Innovative and Pragmatic Master Thesis": Combined Tendon Vibration and Virtual Reality for Hand Rehabilitation Based on Illusory Movements, Master Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), July 2012.
1st Prize of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2012
M. D. Rinderknecht receives the 1st Prize of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2012 for the paper: Device for a Novel Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation Strategy for Stroke Patients Based on Illusory Movements Induced by Tendon Vibration, in Proc. 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) , Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia.
1st Swiss rtfMRI Neurofeedback Conference, 2012
Mission #1: Introduce real-time fMRI neurofeedback to the Swiss neuroscience and psychology communities. Mission #2: Connect the international rtfMRI community in order to discuss common problems and potential solutions.
The RELab joined the new HEST Department of ETH Zurich
On January 1st, 2012, RELab joined the newly established Department of Health Sciences and Technology. We are excited to be a part of this new department, and also remain strongly committed to teaching, education and our collaborations within the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.