Awards and Honors
RELab receives the KITE Award 2024 for the Medical Engineering Hackathon!

Throughout an intensive one-week design sprint, students from the Bachelor in Human Medicine program at ETH Zurich learned and applied engineering skills to create a hand gripper for an exoskeleton. The week was filled with interactive workshops, insightful presentations, and collaborative group work, all aimed at fostering transdisciplinary skills and innovative problem-solving.
SNSF Scientific Image Competition Distinction

We are proud to announce that our submission, titled “Exploring Neural Biomarkers of Gait”, has received a jury distinction in the SNSF Image Competition! The awarded picture was presented in the category “Women and men of science,” and captures a moment from the gait laboratory within our StimuLOOP project, where we record neural activity in Parkinson’s patients.
Best Poster Award at RehabWeek 2023

Congratulations to Tim Unger for winning the Best Poster Award at RehabWeek 2023!
Bronze Best Application Paper Award

We are proud to announce that our research assistant Annina Brunner's publication titled "Effect of a passive shoulder support exoskeleton on fatigue during working with arms over shoulder level" has been awarded the Bronze Best Application Paper Award at the MESROB 2023 conference in Craiova.
Coming back from RehabWeek 2022 with 3 awards!

RehabWeek 2022 in Rotterdam was a fantastic success for the RELab! Congratulations to everyone who contributed; Christoph, Raffaele and Olivier for 3 high-quality workshops, Jan D, Charlotte, Jan M and Natalie for amazing poster sessions and demos, and Jessica, Giada and Monika for brilliant podium presentations that sparked interest in our research. A great week spent together, and we are coming back to Zurich with 3 conference awards! Well done RELab!
Raffaele Ranzani awarded for ETH Career Seed Grant

Raffaele Ranzani has been awarded an ETH Career Seed grant to conduct his PostDoc. The project will investigate the feasibility of combined botulinum toxin injections and therapy with a robotic hand orthosis for patients with spasticity after stroke
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Mathilde Lestoille. Congratulations!

Mathilde Lestoille has been awarded an ETH Zürich Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct her project on upper limb home therapy at the RELab. The goal of the project is to provide a digital avatar therapist to stroke patients, to improve and personalize their home therapy.
Jan Dittli, Jan Lieber and Fabian Rast receive the Anna Müller Grocholski-Award

Jan Dittli, Jan Lieber and Fabian Rast receive the Anna Müller Grocholski-Award, conferred at this year's symposium of the Swiss Academy of Childhood Disability.
Christoph Kanzler among Best Student Paper Award Finalists of IEEE ICORR 2019

Christoph Kanzler was among the Best Student Paper Award Finalists of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) in Toronto 2019. The awarded work focused on assessing the functional usage of upper limb myoelectrically-controlled hand prostheses using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test (VPIT), a technology-aided assessment previously developed at the RELab.
First prize in the medical technology challenge on healthhackathon19

Congratulations! Alumni Mike Domenik Rinderknecht and hack4life team won the first prize in the medical technology challenge of the healthhackathon19 at the XPOMET 2019 in Berlin.
Mike Rinderknecht awarded ETH medal

Mike Rinderknecht awarded ETH medal for outstanding PhD thesis. We congratulate Mike Rinderknecht on being awarded an ETH medal for his outstanding PhD thesis titled "Robotic assessment of somatosensory hand function”!
Kaspar Leuenberger awarded ETH medal for outstanding PhD thesis
Congratulations to Kaspar Leuenberger who was awarded an ETH medal for his outstanding PhD thesis titled "Long-Term Activity and Movement Monitoring in Neurological Patients"!
Michel Akselrod receives the NCCBI Young Researcher Award
Michel Akselrod receives the NCCBI Young Researcher Award for his presentation and poster entitled "Neural correlates of sensory-motor illusions induced by visuo-proprioceptive and visuo-motor signals". Congratulations!
Logitech Prize 2012 "Creative, Innovative and Pragmatic Master Thesis"
M. D. Rinderknecht receives the Logitech Prize 2012 "Creative, Innovative and Pragmatic Master Thesis": Combined Tendon Vibration and Virtual Reality for Hand Rehabilitation Based on Illusory Movements, Master Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), July 2012.
1st Prize of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2012
M. D. Rinderknecht receives the 1st Prize of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2012 for the paper: Device for a Novel Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation Strategy for Stroke Patients Based on Illusory Movements Induced by Tendon Vibration, in Proc. 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) , Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia.
Nomination for the Annual BCI Research Award 2011 at the 5th international BCI Conference in Graz
R. Zimmermann, L. Marchal-Crespo, O. Lambercy, M.-C. Fluet, J.-C. Metzger, J. Brand, J. Edelmann, K. Eng, R. Riener, M. Wolf, and R. Gassert have been nominated for the Annual BCI Research Award 2011 at the 5th international BCI Conference in Graz, for the Project What's your next move? Detecting movement intention for stroke rehabilitation.
Best Poster Award at the 2011 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics
M.-C. Fluet, O. Lambercy and R. Gassert receive the Best Poster Award at the 2011 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2011) for the paper Upper limb assessment using a virtual peg insertion test.