Paulius Viskaitis

Paulius is from Kaunas, Lithuania and is a PostDoc at the Neurobehavioural Dynamics laboratory and RELab. His focus is on establishing non-invasive brain stimulation methodology for rehabilitation in stroke patients.

During his Medical Genetics BSc (2012) in the University of Sheffield, UK, Paulius also worked in research labs in Vilnius University and SITraN (Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience). The latter experience encouraged Paulius’ interests in neurosciences and he completed his PhD (2016) on neural control of metabolism and behavior at the Metabolic Signalling Research Group in Imperial College London and Medical Research Council.

Following this he started his neuroscience PostDoc at the Prof Burdakov’s lab in Francis Crick Institute and helped move and establish the Neurobehavioural Dynamics laboratory in the ETH Zurich (2018). Paulius’ main interests are in the brain, fitness and their interplay for healthy living.  


Dr. Paulius Viskaitis
  • +41 76 645 61 80
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Dep. Gesundheitswiss. und Technol.
Lengghalde 5
8008 Zürich


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