Focused Study: Selected Topics in Research and Application in Mechatronics (151-0640-00L)
Course Description:
The students will do a mini project. The topics vary depending on the supervisor. Please contact Prof. Gassert to learn about the available projects. This course earns 1 credit point, so the task should be accomplishable within a reasonable timeframe. Normally, the projects take minimum 30 working hours and maximum 40 working hours unless changed by the supervisor. Here are some example of possible projects to give you an idea, what the projects could contain:
- An additional component to a semester project performed at IRIS
- Do measurements and postprocessing with an existing setup
- Write codes e. g. in MATLAB, LabView or C for certain projects
- Designing or machining parts for setups
- Make little animations for IRIS projects
Prof. Dr. Roger Gassert
Full Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Rehabilitation Engineering
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39